The final estimate of the January 1, 2020 population for the Town of Washington in Green County is 825.
Approximately 639 of the estimated population for the Town of Washington are of voting age. This approximation is a courtesy estimate that helps you comply with Wisconsin Statute 5.66, which requires municipal clerks to approximate the number of electors prior to elections. The voting age population was calculated by applying the 2010 Census proportion of persons age 18 and over to the final January 1 estimate, and then multiplying the result by a state-wide factor to account for the general aging of the population. Please note that, if you have an adult correctional facility in your municipality, its population is included in this voting-age estimate.
Demographic Services Center
Division of Intergovernmental Relations
WI Dept. of Administration
https://doa.wi.gov/ demographics
Division of Intergovernmental Relations
WI Dept. of Administration